Mr Shields - no one ever calls me that

Thursday, November 02, 2006

When will the church stand up to torture?

This link goes to a story about how a female soldier (translator) committed suicide after refusing to participate in torture. It seems that the military covered up her suicide and it was only reveled to anyone (including her family) after a Freedom of Information request. The suicide note is currently being requested under another FOI.

There are two comments about this, one torture is bad not only for the one being torture but also for the soul of the torturer. She participated in two days of torture before refusing and the military claims that any notes on the methods of torture that were used have been destroyed.

Second, I want to comment on the fact that she was a young Mormon. It seems that the Christian church can not stand up and condemn torture, but other religious minorities are doing it. Certainly the Mormon Church has not, as far as I am aware, but there needs to be a clear statement by the Christian Church that says that torture is wrong in all forms and in all cases and force the government to stop using it or step down.


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