Mr Shields - no one ever calls me that

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

SBC, Alcohol and What Leadership is About

The linked article is a prime example of what is wrong with the SBC. Part of the issue is leadership and that is where I am going to start. The SBC does not have a real concept of leadership. Frequently many of the largest controversies are started not by denominational leaders or large church pastors buy by board members. SBC has a gazillion boards, most of which have 50 or members. This gives a large number of people a platform for single issues that that they really care about. Instead of leaders really stepping forward and providing leadership for the denomination or encouraging the denomination to do something to reach the unreached people complain about minor issues (like alcohol consumption) that really do not have anything to do with faith. In fact, while I don't agree with many things that Mark Driscol says, his sermon about "No Alcohol is a Sin" is true. There is no where in scripture that says that alcohol should be forbidden.

The second issue that this brings up is the question about where we are supposed to be to reach people. Part of the complaints about the Journey is that they are having a bible study targeted toward non-Christians in a bar. Well if that is where the people are then shouldn't we be there. Now of course, there are limits to this. We should not be having bible studies during strip shows. But that does not mean that we should not be ministering to the people that go to strip shows (both the dancers and the attenders). I would hate to hear what Moran would say about that! Jesus ate with sinners and Jesus would have had a beer and discussed theology. He would not have condoned drunkenness, but that is not what we are talking about.

The third issue is self criticism. I do think that we need to both take and give self criticism in the church. So I don't want to complain about that part too much. But I think we need to be known for what we are for as much what we are against. Part of me just wants to send a letter to the Journey and support them. And I will do that, but we all need to understand what is means really fulfill our calling. I hope that they leadership of the Journey feels that they are fulfilling their calling, that is what is important.


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