Mr Shields - no one ever calls me that

Friday, January 16, 2009

Online world

I love twitter (you can follow me here)but sometimes there are things that need more than 140 characters. I am trying to figure out my new backup, sharing, syncing strategy. Right now I have a main laptop that I have connected to a 22 in external monitor. I use the two monitors a lot for work. I also bought a little 9 inch Dell mini. At my desk I use the mini to monitor email and twitter and then do work on the other two screens. But I also will use the mini as a travel computer and want my important files synced there. So I have been using Dropbox to keep files in sync. But Dropbox has two problems. First, you can't choose which files to sync, they are either synced to both comptuers or not. So on the mini that only has a 16GB hard drive and a 16GB sd card I can't really expect to fit all my files. Dropbox says they will fix this eventually. The more immediate problem is that they won't allow the dropbox files to be put on the SD card because it is removable.

So I am trying out Syncplicity. It has all the features that Dropbox doesn't, but for some reason I just don't like it. First, it seems to be really slow to update. Maybe I just need to wait for it to get one round done well then it will speed up. Second I don't know it was Syncplicity, but I had about 4000 or so files disappear on my yesterday. Luckily I use Carbonite as a backup (which I think I will still continue to use as an overall backup service). Third, although it is one of my issues I actually do like the idea that Dropbox has a specific folder that is synced and those are the files I am working with and they have priority.

Anyone have some other ideas. What I want is for dropbox to offer a cheaper 20 GB plan that allows me to sync some folders and to put them on the removable drive.


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