Mr Shields - no one ever calls me that

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Better Government Responce to Torture


The UK House of Lords just passed a bill that made it illegal to use any information gained via torture.

That is something that should be done in the US. The longer things go on the more I think that Bush's opposition to the International Court is because there have been long term plans that include war crimes like torture.

How can Christians ever support torture?

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

World Community Grid - Research - FightAIDS@Home

World Community Grid - Research - FightAIDS@Home

I have become a huge evangelist for the FightAIDS@home project. It is a distributive computer project (meaning is uses spare computer time from thousands of computers to create a virtual supercomputer to solve really big problems that ordinary computers could not solve or would take years to solve.) I have started two teams with different groups that I participate in. One is the Aximsite.comTeam. It is made up of currently five people that participate in the forums. (I have a Dell Axim X50.) The other team is the Team. Catholic Insider is a podcast from a Dutch Priest. It is a fabulous podcast and really was what got me into listening to podcasts. I am not Dutch or Catholic, but the podcast is good. So right now there are only two members from the Catholic Insider, but hopefully more will join. Fr. Rodrick has a mac as his computer and the FightAIDS@home software will only run on Linux or Windows so he hasn't been pushing it in his podcasts.

I will try again

I started a blog as an experiment last year. It got about a month and then I gave up. I was trying to be ambitions about what I was blogging about. This time I am going to to be broader in my topics.

First, why the name. Well my wife is a teacher and I registered the domain for her. Mr Shields was open too, so I registered it as well. I figured I have had it for about a year and haven't done anything with it so I would use it for my blog. But pretty much no one calls me Mr. Shields